Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu Child

Changing the Course

Changing the Course We are living in a time when the current generation of youth is predicted to die before their parents. Why is that the case? How did things get to this point? There are many answers to those questions, but before it gets too complicated, let us focus on the question: “What do we…

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Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu Vaccinations

If I Ate Right, Would I Really Need Vaccinations?

If I Ate Right, Would I Really Need Vaccinations? Remember, you are a physical, mental, and spiritual being and each of these components needs to be fully nourished and maintained to be truly healthy. Do you doubt that all-knowing God created your body to be defenseless against any other creation? Realize that your body is…

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Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu Bannanas

Can Bananas Make Me Skinny?

Can Bananas Make Me Skinny? “Musa sapientum:” the scientific name for banana, but did you know it means “fruit of the wise men.” So, does this mean if we eat more bananas, we get wiser??? Well, we can’t make that claim, but we can tell you a bit more about bananas that you may not…

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Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu Recipe

Men! Eat This!

Men! Eat This! If you’re a man, here are 3 tips about what you should be eating: All food sources of lycopene – especially cooked or raw tomato products or watermelon – can provide a layer of protection against prostate cancer. One Harvard study showed that 10 servings a day cut the risk by 35%!…

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Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu Weigh Gain

The War Against Weight Gain

The War Against Weight Gain These days chemicals are everywhere – in our food, in our water supply, in the air, and in countless products you use on your body, in your home, and on your lawn. Add that to the chemicals many people willingly ingest in the form of prescription medications, hormone replacement, birth…

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Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu Weigh Gain

Food For Thought!

Food For Thought! We know that a poor diet can lead to countless health issues – cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. But it can also impact the brain (including memory and mood) and increase the risk of brain or neurodegenerative diseases. Does your diet starve your brain? If your diet includes brain-fogging foods, it’s…

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Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu Pregnancy

3 Tips to a Stress-Free Pregnancy

3 Tips to a Stress-Free Pregnancy Every woman wants to be the best mom for their child, especially when it’s their very first baby!  However, whether you plan on having children in the future, are currently pregnant, already have kids, or well past your child-bearing years, these 3 tips are essential for a stress-free pregnancy…

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Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu Weight Advice

Scary Advice for Women with Weight Issues

Scary Advice for Women with Weight Issues Today I thought I’d surf the internet to see what’s out there for women’s health on the topic of losing weight. I was totally shocked about what I found: According to Today’s Dietitian, you need to consume a balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat to gain weight the…

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Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu Thyroid

The 7 Secrets to Getting Rid of Thyroid Problems

The 7 Secrets to Getting Rid of Thyroid Problems Weight gain.  Depression. Extreme fatigue.  Forgetfulness.  Muscle cramps.  Muscle weakness.  Dry skin.  Thinning hair.  These are all symptoms of hypothyroidism: an under active thyroid.  In most cases, this condition is treated with medications like Synthroid, which all lead to damaging effects to overall health. I’m going…

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Weight Loss Fort Wayne IN Vilulu Allergies

11 Eating Tips to Help You Minimize Allergy Symptoms

11 Eating Tips to Help You Minimize Allergy Symptoms Allergy and Asthma Symptom Relievers 1 / 11   Allergy and Asthma Symptom Relievers If you endure the itchy eyes, runny nose, and congestion of allergies, or the shortness of breath and wheezing of asthma, your doctor may prescribe one of a variety of antihistamines, decongestants, corticosteroids,…

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